Friday, January 8, 2010

Castle Age Guide: Everything You Need to Know!

This Castle Age guide provides information on the various statistics and actions that you can select in the game. If you are not familiar with Castle Age, it is an online multiplayer game (MMO) that is hosted on the world famous Facebook. It takes place in a fantasy world filled with elves, angels, dragons, knights, and other creatures. The objective of the game is to level up by finishing quests and battling other players.

Below, I have included a very useful, simplified version of a guide originally written by Lena Gkika.

Castle Age Guide: What to Focus on Initially

When initially starting the game, focus on building an army and increasing your bank balance. This will allow you to buy the weapons and armor you require to defeat your oponents. When you income increase (i.e past 2 mils), try to buy weapons and armor in bulk so that it will cost you less.

Castle Age Guide: Battle Types

There are two battle types, dueling and invading. It is recommended to always select your strongest general in charge when logging off the game. The reason is because dueling uses your active general. Dueling will also use on of the following items: helm, armor, amulet, weapon, shield, and spell. Invading will use as many units as your army size, and one item and spell for each of them.

The way you battle is up to you. Duels offer better chances to those with small armies but high personal stats, while invasions favour those with large armies and good equipment.

Castle Age Guide: Army Size

The maximum number of units you can take with you to a battle is 501. However you are allowed to have more than 501 persons in your army.

Castle Age Guide: Questing

There are different quests and lands available to all players. Each area is unlocked after 4/5 of the previous land’s quests are completed.

Castle Age Guide: Demi-Powers

Demi-Powers are deities or gods that can aid you in your struggles. There are 5 demi-powers, each of whom has a unique role and can provide you with powerful benefits when you ask for their blessings. For example, Malekus is the demi-power of war, and you will gain 1 attack point each time you pray to him. In addition to these stat boosts, praying to the demi-powers will also unlock exclusive quests and provide you with powerful items and magic.

Castle Age Guide: Favour Points

Favour points can be won through buying them, application additions, free surveys, and rewards. You can use them in many different ways, but they would be most effectively spent on spells or generals.

Castle Age Guide: Defense

The recommended defense strategy is to invest in equipping a large army while also increasing defense skill. There is a trick if you have small army or just don’t want bad statistics. If you are under ten health, you can logout and will not be touched until the next time your login.

Castle Age Guide: Spying

You can view somone elses profile to see what land or weapons they have. However, your opponent will be notified that you are viewing their profile. This may result in an attack.

Castle Age Guide: Magic

You can win magic by doing the following:
  • Getting them as gifts from friends
  • Doing special quest in land of Mist to gain the Lightning Storm Spell (35% drop, can be used only once)
  • Doing the 1st demi quest of Ambrosia and Corvintheus for energy bolts (can be done many times)
  • Getting demi rewards from gathering demi points for the gods.
  • Buying from Oracle
  • Unlocking Spells that can be bought in Town by achieving high battle ranks

Here's my favorite link: